Initial publication year: 2022
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Before aligning your sequences to a reference genome, you will need to trim off the adapters. We use FastP in our pipeline as below, but there are other programs that could be suitable (e.g., Trimmomatic, TrimGalore/Cutadapt, BBDuk).
fastp --in1 {r1} --in2 {r2} --out1 {r1} --out2 {r2} --detect_adapter_for_pe 2> {summary.out}
and --out
are the flags for
the input and output reads
enables auto-detection of adapters for paired end data (because
auto-detection is only enabled for single end data by default).
FastP (and other trimming software) can be used for quality control before aligning your sequences to the reference genome, but there are arguments on both sides for whether or not trimming your reads at this stage is useful.
Our pipeline uses the Burrows-Wheeler transform (Li and Durbin 2010) to align reads to the reference genome, but there are many software that can be used for aligning short reads to a reference (e.g., Bowtie2, STAR). To make the alignment process more efficient, you need to index the reference genome.
bwa index {reference.fa}
Where reference.fa
is your reference genome. Once your
reference has been indexed, you can do a local alignment of your FASTQs,
and pipe directly into samtools
to sort the alignment by
coordinate and converted to the BAM (Binary ALignment/Map)
bwa mem -M -R {string} {ref} {r1} {r2} | samtools sort -u - > {output.bam}
marks shorter split hits as secondary
(required for Picard compatibility downstream)
defines a read group header e.g., @RG\tID:{sample}\tSM:{sample}\tPL:ILLUMINA
is the indexed reference genome
and {r2}
are the first and second reads
you are aligning
is for uncompressed output
Once you have a sorted and indexed alignment, you can locate and tag
duplicate records, which are reads that have originated from a single
fragment of DNA. This can happen during sample preparation (e.g., during
PCR) or from sequencing artifacts (e.g., optical duplicates).If you have
multiple runs for the same sample, you would want to merge and index the
BAMs before the deduplication tagging, which you can do with
samtools merge
(integrated in snpArcher under
sabamba markup {input} {output}
It’s important to take a look at your alignments to check for
quality, potentially filter out sites or samples that don’t meet
adequate thresholds, etc. The pipeline outputs various statistics
automatically along the way, but we have collected some of the QC
commands here.
We use samtools
to compute the depth at each position or
region, with the tabulated output containing information for the
chromosome, start position, end position, number of reads aligned in
that region after filtering, number of covered bases with a depth
greater than or equal to 1 in that region, the proportion of coverage
bases, the mean depth of coverage, mean baseQ, and mean mapQ.
samtools coverage --output {output} {input.bam}
is the file name you want to write
the output to
is the input BAM file
And to produce a summary of the alignment metrics:
samtools flagstat -O tsv {input.bam} > {output}
sets the output format (in this case, as a
is the input BAM file
is the file name you want to write the output to
Two of the major variant callers you can use (at the time of writing)
are Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) and freebayes. You can call variants
with either of these software in our pipeline and the downstream steps
are the same, so here we present parameters for variant calling with
both GATK and freebayes. Regardless of the software used, variant
calling is computationally intensive but can be parallelized for more
efficient resource use by splitting the reference genome into intervals.
The interval creation is automated in our pipeline using
but parameter guidelines will differ depending on
your reference genome.
To call germline single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertion/deletions (indels) via local re-assembly of haplotypes using GATK:
gatk HaplotypeCaller -R {reference.fa} -I {input.bam} -O {output.gvcf} -L {interval.list} --emit-ref-confidence GVCF --min-pruning {params} --min-dangling-branch-length {params}
is the reference genome
is the input BAM
is the output gVCF
is the interval file list
yields the reference confidence
scores as gVCF
sets the minimum support
to not prune paths in the graph (low coverage option: 1 / high coverage
option: 2)
sets the
minimum length of a dangling branch to attempt recovery (low coverage
option: 1 / high coverage option: 4)
There are some constraints when using clusters and job scheduling managers, including command lengths. When you have many samples and are trying to run GATK on all of them, the command may get too long, causing SLURM (or another job scheduler) to throw an error. To get around this, you can create DB map files (which is done automatically in our pipeline). Then we can import many gVCFs into a GenomicsDB for a given scaffold:
gatk GenomicsDBImport --genomicsdb-shared-posixfs-optimizations true --batch-size 25 --genomicsdb-workspace-path {output.db} -L {input.l} --sample-name-map {input.db}
the export
command can remedy sluggish
allows for optimization when using shared Posix Filesystems (like
is used in conjunction with the
above argument to control the memory consumption
is the working directory to
point to for GenomicsDB
is the interval file list
is the path to a file that contains
a sample to file map in a tab delimited format
Now you can use the genomic databases from
gatk GenomicsDBImport
to create VCF files (one per interval
gatk GenotypeGVCFs -R {reference.fa} --heterozygosity {params} --genomicsdb-shared-posixfs-optimizations true -V {input.DB} -O {output.vcf}
is the reference genome
value used to compute prior likelihoods
for any locus - we use 0.005 as a default, but this can be changed in
the config
is the DB map file
is the output VCF
Then, before combining all the VCFs for the intervals into one final VCF, it is computationally more efficient to filter each of the VCFs, then gather them together.
gatk VariantFiltration -R {reference.fa} -V {input.vcf} --output {output.vcf} \
--filter-name "RPRS_filter" \
--filter-expression "(vc.isSNP() && (vc.hasAttribute('ReadPosRankSum') && ReadPosRankSum < -8.0)) || ((vc.isIndel() || vc.isMixed()) && (vc.hasAttribute('ReadPosRankSum') && ReadPosRankSum < -20.0)) || (vc.hasAttribute('QD') && QD < 2.0)" \
--filter-name "FS_SOR_filter" \
--filter-expression "(vc.isSNP() && ((vc.hasAttribute('FS') && FS > 60.0) || (vc.hasAttribute('SOR') && SOR > 3.0))) || ((vc.isIndel() || vc.isMixed()) && ((vc.hasAttribute('FS') && FS > 200.0) || (vc.hasAttribute('SOR') && SOR > 10.0)))" \
--filter-name "MQ_filter" \
--filter-expression "vc.isSNP() && ((vc.hasAttribute('MQ') && MQ < 40.0) || (vc.hasAttribute('MQRankSum') && MQRankSum < -12.5))" \
--filter-name "QUAL_filter" \
--filter-expression "QUAL < 30.0" \
gatk GatherVcfs {input.vcfs} -O {output.vcf}
is the reference genome
is the input VCF (per interval) --output
the filtered VCF (per interval)
is a
custom script invoked by the pipeline to gather all the filtered VCFs
for each interval into a single input command using the intervals list
is the final output VCF
The filter expressions more or less follow the GATK hard filtering recommendations but are split to treat SNPs and indels with different thresholds within each filter expression, as well as keeping different quality tags separate to make downstream filtering easier.
There are a number of statistics generated by snpArcher at various
points of the workflow, as well as a QC workflow that is implemented
after the final VCF is produced. This QC workflow produces an
interactive dashboard for the user, but we have separated some of the QC
out by the type/purpose, rather than separating each rule.
This bcftools query
pulls the designated fields in a
tab-separated format that can be easily read into R (or other software)
for interrogation.
bcftools query -f '%CHROM\t%POS\t%ID\t%INFO/AF\t%QUAL\t%INFO/ReadPosRankSum\t%INFO/FS\t%INFO/SOR\t%INFO/MQ\t%INFO/MQRankSum\n' {input.vcf} > {output}
This set of commands will output statistics based on the VCF
vcftools --gzvcf {input.vcf} --FILTER-summary --out {output.prefix}
vcftools --gzvcf {input.vcf} --depth --out {output.prefix}
vcftools --gzvcf {input.vcf} --missing-indv --out {output.prefix}
is the input VCF, gzipped (use
if working with an uncompressed VCF)
generates a file reporting the missingness
per indivdual
assigns a prefix to each output
e.g., the filter summary output would be titled
Create a PCA from PLINK, using biallelic variants only
# First, remove filtered sites and keep only the biallelic SNPs
bcftools view -v snps -m2 -M2 -f .,PASS -e 'AF==1 | AF==0 | ALT="*" | TYPE~"indel" | ref="N"' {input.vcf} -O z -o {output.filtered}
bcftools index {output.filtered}
# Then, if there are less than 150,000 SNPs, just take all of them
ALLSITES=`bcftools query -f '%CHROM\t%POS\n' {output.filtered} | wc -l`
SITES=`echo $(( ${{ALLSITES}} / 100000 ))`
if [[ $SITES -gt 1 ]]
bcftools +prune -w $SITES -n 1 -N rand -O z -o {output.pruned} {output.filtered}
bcftools view -O z -o {output.pruned} {output.filtered}
# Use PLINK 2 for the King relatedness matrix ...
plink2 --vcf {input.vcf} --pca 2 --out {params.prefix} --allow-extra-chr --autosome-num 95 --make-bed --make-king square --const-fid --bad-freqs
# and PLINK 1.9 for the distance matrix
plink --vcf {input.vcf} --out {params.prefix} --allow-extra-chr --autosome-num 95 --distance square --const-fid
snpArcher also runs ADMIXTURE at k=2 and k=3:
# First, make a BIM without any characters in the chromosome names
mv {input.bim} {input.bim}.orig
paste <(cut -f 1 {input.bim}.orig | sed 's/[^0-9]//g') <(cut -f 2,3,4,5,6 {input.bim}.orig) > {input.bim}
# Then run ADMIXTURE
admixture {input.bed} 2
admixture {input.bed} 3