Initial publication year: 2024
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Thanks to advances in sample preparation and sequencing methods, there is an influx of research examining epigenomics in non-model systems. Broadly, epigenetics can be defined as changes to gene expression that do not arise from changes in the DNA sequence. DNA methylation, or addition of a methyl (CH3) group to a cytosine base adjacent to a guanine (CpG) is one of the more commonly studies epigenetic mechanisms, partly because of its environmental sensitivity and potential role in phenotypic plasticity. For a good review of epigenetic mechanisms including DNA methylation in marine organisms see Eirin-Lopez and Putnam (2019).
The purpose of this tutorial is to provide an example of aligning bisulfite-treated and enzymatically converted DNA sequence data to an existing genome, and discuss needs for potential downstream applications. The principle behind creating bisulfite-treated DNA libraries is that when cytosines are not methylated, then they will be converted to uracil, which ultimately result in thymine nucleotides in the sequence data. Wanamaker et al. (2022) offers a comparison of three methods for quantifying DNA methylation at single base-pair resolution using whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS), reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS), and methyl-CpG binding domain bisulfite sequencing (MBDBS). When aligning bisulfite-converted data to a reference genome the percent methylation at a given CpG loci is determined by examining the ratio of thymines to cytosines. For example if there is a given cytosine adjacent to a guanine (ie CpG locus) with 30% of the reads containing thymine, one would consider this cytosine loci (CpG) to be 70% methylated. Since bisulfite treatment can damage DNA, newer library preparation and sequencing methods (ex. NEBNext® Enzymatic Methyl-seq Kit; EM-seq are starting to gain popularity. As EM-Seq produces loci-level data, alignment of EM-Seq data is similar to WGBS. Also, technologies like Nanopore and PacBio sequencing can directly detect DNA methylation without bisulfite conversion. See Dimond, Nguyen, and Roberts (2021) as example of using Nanopore sequencing. As DNA passes through a nanopore or is sequenced by single-molecule real-time (SMRT) technology, changes in electrical current or fluorescence patterns can indicate the presence of methylated bases.
Sample size is a critical factor when conducting DNA methylation analysis, particularly because of the significant variation in methylation patterns both between individuals and across different tissues. This variation, which is not yet fully understood, can significantly impact the outcomes and interpretations of methylation studies.
When selecting samples for DNA methylation analysis, the key principle is that larger sample sizes generally provide more reliable and generalizable results. A larger number of samples allows for a more accurate representation of the population, accounting for individual and tissue-level differences. This is essential for identifying true biological patterns rather than artifacts of small, non-representative samples.
However, the practicality of obtaining a large number of samples must be balanced with resource constraints. In this context, a sample size of around eight can be considered a decent starting point. This number is often sufficient to begin observing trends and patterns in methylation across individuals and tissues, providing a foundational understanding which can be built upon with further research.
It’s crucial to remember that while more samples can enhance the reliability of the results, the quality of the samples and the robustness of the methylation analysis techniques are equally important. Therefore, researchers must strive for a balance between quantity and quality in their sample selection to ensure meaningful and accurate insights into DNA methylation.
Bisulfite Conversion Efficiency is important to assess. One common step during library preparation us spiking library with Lambda phage DNA. Lambda phage DNA lacks cytosine methylation, making it an ideal control for bisulfite treatment. Here’s how it works and why it’s useful:
Background on Lambda Phage DNA: Lambda phage DNA is a widely used control in bisulfite sequencing because it is naturally unmethylated. By including this DNA in your sample, you create a known unmethylated reference.
Preparation and Spiking: You prepare the lambda phage DNA and spike it into your DNA samples before bisulfite treatment. The proportion of lambda DNA added should be enough to be detected post-sequencing, but not so much that it overwhelms the sample. A typical proportion might be around 0.1% to 1% of the total DNA.
Bisulfite Treatment and Sequencing: After spiking, you proceed with bisulfite treatment and sequencing of the entire sample, which now includes your genomic DNA of interest and the spiked lambda DNA.
Assessing Conversion Efficiency: Once sequencing is complete, you analyze the lambda phage DNA sequences. Since this DNA is unmethylated, all cytosines should be converted to thymines after bisulfite treatment and subsequent PCR. By calculating the percentage of cytosines that were successfully converted to thymines in the lambda DNA, you can determine the bisulfite conversion efficiency. An efficient conversion typically results in over 99% of cytosines being converted.
For a good review of epigenetic mechanisms including DNA methylation in marine organisms see Eirin-Lopez and Putnam (2019). Wanamaker et al. (2022) offers a comparison of three methods for quantifying DNA methylation at single base-pair resolution using whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS), reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS), and methyl-CpG binding domain bisulfite sequencing (MBDBS). The tutorial below is based on WGBS, though the general workflow would be consistent.
The tutorial will cover the following:
- Sequence quality assessment
- Read alignment
- Methylation quantification
- File conversions
- Potential downstream applications. Although this tutorial will not
provide code for downstream applications such as differential
methylation analysis, it will link to other open-access resources and
The tutorial below is based on WGBS from a species of marine intertebrate (Montipora capitata coral) examined in Wanamaker et al. (2022), and all raw data can be accessed under NCBI Bioproject PRJNA691891 if you would like to follow the tutorial with this dataset. The general workflow would be consistent for other library preparation and sequencing methods that produce loci-level data. The tutorial indicates places where special analytical consideration should be given to other data types. Given the size of the data files and the computational resources necessary this is not developed to be actionable and reproducible. For context this process outlined below took weeks on a university HPC system.
Following trimming one would expect to see FastQC per base sequencing content similar to the plot shown below. This particular data set was trimmed with the following parameters:
/gscratch/srlab/programs/TrimGalore-0.4.5/trim_galore \
--output_dir /gscratch/scrubbed/strigg/analyses/20200311/WGBS_MBD \
--paired \
--fastqc_args \
--outdir /gscratch/scrubbed/strigg/analyses/20200311/WGBS_MBD/FASTQC \
--threads 28 \
--illumina \
--clip_R1 10 \
--clip_R2 10 \
--three_prime_clip_R1 10 \
--three_prime_clip_R2 10 \
--path_to_cutadapt /gscratch/srlab/programs/miniconda3/bin/cutadapt \
/gscratch/scrubbed/sr320/froger-raw/00_fastq/Meth17_R1_001.fastq.gz \
For WGBS and MBDBS data, it is general practice to hard-trim 10 bp from the beginning and end of each read. RRBS data often needs different trimming specifications see Manual for details
The software used as part of this tutorial is Bismark Bisulfite Mapper Krueger and Andrews (2011), which is one of the more widely-used softwares to align methylation data to a reference genome. Another commonly-used options include bwa-meth Pedersen et al. (2014) and BSMAP Xi and Li (2009) (see Nunn et al. (2021) and (Gong et al. 2022) for comparisons of these software for plant and mammal species, respectively). As with any software it is best to be famililar with the User Manual.
Within Bismark, the tutorial uses Bowtie 2 Langmead and Salzberg (2012) as the alignment software. Although the Bismark user manual covers the necessary Bowtie 2 parameters, it may be useful to refer to the Bowtie 2 manual.
The content below will provided with the assumption that the reader has read the manual and is meant to serve as guidance based on experience working with marine invertebrates.
The first step in the process in preparing the reference genome by performing an in silico bisulfite conversion to allow Bowtie alignments. Example code:
# Directories and programs
${bismark_dir}/bismark_genome_preparation \
--verbose \
--parallel 28 \
--path_to_aligner ${bowtie2_dir} \
Bismark Genome Preparation Command:
This is the command to run the genome preparation part of Bismark. The
variable is expanded to the
path where Bismark is installed, so the script knows where to find the
: This flag makes the
program output more detailed information about what it is doing, which
is helpful for debugging or understanding the process.
--parallel 28
: This option tells
Bismark to use 28 threads in parallel to speed up the process. You can
adjust this based on your computing power.
--path_to_aligner ${bowtie2_dir}
This specifies the path to the aligner (Bowtie2) that Bismark will use.
The ${bowtie2_dir}
variable is expanded to
the path where Bowtie2 is installed.
: Finally, this
specifies the location of the genome files. The script uses the
variable, which holds the
path to these files.
Bismark will create two individual folders within this directory, one for a C->T converted genome and the other one for the G->A converted genome. After creating C->T and G->A versions of the genome they will be indexed in parallel usingthe indexer. Bismark will create the following subdirectories as outputs.
This preparation step only needs to happen once for a given genome.
Once the genome is prepared, reads can be aligned. For aligning the trimmed reads to the genome the following code structure is used:
find ${reads_dir}*_R1_001_val_1.fq.gz \
| xargs basename -s _R1_001_val_1.fq.gz | xargs -I{} ${bismark_dir}/bismark \
--path_to_bowtie ${bowtie2_dir} \
-genome ${genome_folder} \
-p 4 \
-score_min L,0,-0.6 \
--non_directional \
-1 ${reads_dir}{}_R1_001_val_1.fq.gz \
-2 ${reads_dir}{}_R2_001_val_2.fq.gz \
-o Mcap_tg
This will create BAM files (sequence alignment files) and txt files (mapping reports). The reports contain information such as mapping efficiency.
Specifically this is what the code chunk does:
Finding Files and Preparing Filenames:
find ${reads_dir}*_R1_001_val_1.fq.gz
This command uses the find
utility to
search for files in the directory specified by the variable
. The files it looks for have a
naming pattern ending with
, which typically
denotes the first file of a pair in paired-end sequencing data.
| xargs basename -s _R1_001_val_1.fq.gz
The xargs
command takes the list of files
found and passes them to basename
, which
strips the suffix _R1_001_val_1.fq.gz
each filename. This step extracts the base name of each file, which is
used to pair the R1 and R2 files correctly in the following
Running Bismark for Sequence Alignment:
| xargs -I{} ${bismark_dir}/bismark
The xargs
command here is used to pass the
base filenames to Bismark for alignment.
is a placeholder for each base
--path_to_bowtie ${bowtie2_dir}
This option specifies the path to the Bowtie 2 aligner, which Bismark
uses for the alignment process.
-genome ${genome_folder}
: Specifies
the directory where the genome files, prepared in advance, are
-p 4
: Sets the number of processing
threads to 4, allowing Bismark to perform the alignment in parallel,
which can speed up the process. This parameter can be changed based on
your computing power.
-score_min L,0,-0.6
: This sets the
scoring threshold for alignments, impacting the sensitivity and
specificity of the alignment. The default scoring threshold used by
Bismark is L,0,-0.2.
: This flag
indicates the sequencing data is non-directional, which is important for
correctly interpreting the methylation status in bisulfite
-1 ${reads_dir}{}_R1_001_val_1.fq.gz -2 ${reads_dir}{}_R2_001_val_2.fq.gz
Specifies the files for paired-end reads. R1 and R2 files are paired
based on their base filename.
-o Mcap_tg
: Sets the output
directory for the alignment results to
The code above uses score_min L,0,-0.6
as the scoring
threshold for alignment sensitivity and specificity. This is different
than the Bismark default, score_min L,0,-0.2
. Reducing the
sensitivity of the alignment can increase the percentage of reads
aligned to the reference genome, but of course the quality of the
alignment may decrease. A good practice is to align a subset of your
data to the reference genome using different score_min
parameters, then comparing mapping efficiency from the mapping reports.
Generally, you want to choose a parameter that maximizes percent
alignment and specificity. Example code
find ${reads_dir}*_R1_001_val_1.fq.gz \
| xargs basename -s _R1_001_val_1.fq.gz | xargs -I{} ${bismark_dir}/bismark \
--path_to_bowtie ${bowtie2_dir} \
-genome ${genome_folder} \
-p 4 \
- u 10000 \
-score_min L,0,-0.6 \
--non_directional \
-1 ${reads_dir}{}_R1_001_val_1.fq.gz \
-2 ${reads_dir}{}_R2_001_val_2.fq.gz \
-o Mcap_tg
This is the same code as above, except -u 10000
is used
to run the alignment on a 10,000 bp subset of the data in each input
Files are then deduplicated if they are whole genome bisulfite
treated samples. This command will deduplicate the Bismark alignment BAM
file and remove all reads that align to the the very same position and
in the same orientation except for one. This step is recommended for
whole-genome bisulfite samples, but should not be used
for reduced representation libraries such as RRBS, amplicon, or target
enrichment libraries. The bismark
manual provides additional information.
find *.bam | \
xargs basename -s .bam | \
xargs -I{} ${bismark_dir}/deduplicate_bismark \
--bam \
--paired \
DNA methylation at CpG locus can vary to 0-100%. How methylated CpGs are across a genome can vary WIDELY depending on your focal taxa. Generally, invertebrate genomes are predominantly unmethylated, with smaller regions of higher methylation in a mosaic pattern. In some marine invertebrates we see ~15% methylation of CpGs (defined as > 75% methylated) across the genome with most CpGs unmethylated. In these taxa methylation usually occurs in gene bodies.
The figure below shows the methylation ratio of CpGs across the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) genome, as well as the location of methylation across the genome:
Frequency distribution of methylation ratios for CpG dinucleotides in oyster gill tissue. Gavery and Roberts (2013)
Screenshot from IGV. Bedgraph files are displayed. See below for code to create these file (File Conversion)
Vertebrate genomes, on the other hand, have higher overall levels of methylation, with methylation occuring in CpG islands. An example analysis of methylation at individual CG dinucleotides in an elephant shark, mouse, and zebra fish is shown, below. Results reavel comparable levels of global methyaltion patterns with the majority of sites being highly methylated (≥ 80%), and fewer than one tenth being unmethylated (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.11281.1).
Genome screenshots of methylation quantified in 2kb running windows over the first 3Mb of chromosome 1 zebrafish and mouse, and of the largest scaffold (NW_006890054.1) in elephant shark (doi: 10.12688/f1000research.11281.1)
Methylation levels are then extracted using the
. For example:
${bismark_dir}/bismark_methylation_extractor \
--bedGraph \
--counts \
--comprehensive \
--merge_non_CpG \
--multicore 28 \
--buffer_size 75% \
This particular command is used to extract and process methylation data from BAM files (generated after sequencing data alignment). Let’s break down the options:
: Generates a BedGraph
file output, which is a format that allows visualization of the
methylation levels across the genome in genome browsers.
: Outputs the count of
methylated and unmethylated calls for each cytosine in the
: This option makes
the methylation extractor process all cytosines in the genome, not just
those in a CpG context. It combines all three contexts (CpG, CHG, and
CHH) into one output file.
: Merges the
methylation information for CHG and CHH contexts (non-CpG) into a single
--multicore 28
: Specifies that the
program should use 28 cores to process the data in parallel, which can
significantly speed up the analysis. This can be adjusted depending on
your computing power.
--buffer_size 75%
: This option sets
the buffer size for reading in BAM files to 75% of the available system
memory. It helps optimize the performance of the tool by adjusting how
much memory is used for processing. This can be adjusted depending on
your computing power.
: This is the
input file pattern for the command. It indicates that the methylation
extractor should process all BAM files in the current directory that
have names ending with “deduplicated.bam”. These files are typically the
output of a deduplication process applied to aligned bisulfite
sequencing data.
This will create a file with the suffix
(example shown below in
uncompressed format):
NC_035784.1 141 141 37.5 3 5
NC_035784.1 142 142 100 2 0
NC_035784.1 155 155 70 7 3
NC_035784.1 156 156 100 2 0
NC_035784.1 291 291 0 0 2
NC_035784.1 292 292 0 0 3
NC_035784.1 313 313 0 0 1
NC_035784.1 314 314 66.6666666666667 2 1
NC_035784.1 470 470 66.6666666666667 4 2
NC_035784.1 611 611 0 0 4
column organization of the file
<chromosome> <start position> <end position> <methylation percentage> <count methylated> <count unmethylated>
The resultant bedGraph file contains information from
unmerged strands, meaning reads aligning to forward and reverse
strands in the same position are not combined. It is important to merge
the reads from the forward and reserve strands for more accurate
methylation quantification. A genome-wide cytosine report and merged
bedGraph file are generated (including merged bedGraph file) from the
generated above in this example
find *deduplicated.bismark.cov.gz \
| xargs basename -s _trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.bismark.cov.gz \
| xargs -I{} ${bismark_dir}/coverage2cytosine \
--genome_folder ${genome_folder} \
-o {} \
--merge_CpG \
--zero_based \
The script converts coverage files into a format that details cytosine methylation levels across the genome. Here’s a breakdown of each step:
Finding Files:
find *deduplicated.bismark.cov.gz
This command is used to search for all files in the current directory
that end with deduplicated.bismark.cov.gz
These files are coverage files produced by Bismark, typically after
aligning bisulfite-treated DNA sequences. They contain information about
methylation at different sites in the genome.Extracting Base File Names:
| xargs basename -s _trimmed_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.bismark.cov.gz
This pipeline uses xargs
to pass each
found file to basename
, which strips the
from each file name. This step extracts the base names of the files,
which will be used to generate output filenames in the following
steps.Converting Coverage to Cytosine Methylation Levels:
| xargs -I{} ${bismark_dir}/coverage2cytosine
This pipeline uses xargs
again to pass
each base filename to the
tool in the Bismark
suite. The placeholder {}
is replaced by
the base filename.
--genome_folder ${genome_folder}
This option specifies the location of the genome folder. The
variable holds the path
to this folder, which contains reference genome data necessary for the
-o {}
: The
option specifies the output file name,
using the base filename {}
obtained from
the previous steps.
: This flag instructs
the program to merge the methylation information of cytosines in CpG
context, providing a single methylation value for each CpG
: This option indicates
that the output file should use zero-based coordinates, which is a
common format in bioinformatics where the first base of a sequence is
numbered 0 instead of 1.
Finally, this specifies the input file for each iteration, where
is replaced by the base filename
obtained earlier. These are the coverage files previously identified by
the find
Output file format .CpG_report.merged_CpG_evidence.cov
(merged bedGraph file)
NC_035785.1 217 219 100.000000 17 0
NC_035785.1 523 525 87.500000 7 1
NC_035785.1 556 558 50.000000 5 5
NC_035785.1 727 729 100.000000 16 0
NC_035785.1 1330 1332 0.000000 0 2
NC_035785.1 1403 1405 0.000000 0 2
NC_035785.1 1494 1496 66.666667 2 1
NC_035785.1 1747 1749 100.000000 8 0
NC_035785.1 2024 2026 100.000000 24 0
NC_035785.1 2054 2056 93.333333 14 1
column organization of the file
<chromosome> <start position> <end position> <methylation percentage> <count methylated> <count unmethylated>
Many steps of the Bismark workflow produce reports (.txt files) with useful information (ex. mapping efficiency, percent cytosine methylation, etc.). These files can be collated into processing reports for each individual sample, which can then be further collated into an HTML summary report:
#HTML Processing Report
#Summary Report
These commands should be run in the same directory where all output files are stored.
From here it could be useful to do some file reorganizaion to obtain
bedGraph or tab files for downstream analysis (eg bedtools
GLMs). Specifically, it may be important to filter the CpG methylation
data to a specific coverage threshold (ex. 5x or 10x). The more read
coverage a CpG has, the higher the confidence in methylation
Creating bedGraphs post-merge at a specific coverage threshold (ex. 10x or 5x):
for f in *merged_CpG_evidence.cov
STEM=$(basename "${f}" .CpG_report.merged_CpG_evidence.cov)
cat "${f}" | awk -F $'\t' 'BEGIN {OFS = FS} {if ($5+$6 >= 5) {print $1, $2, $3, $4}}' \
> "${STEM}"_5x.bedgraph
Creating tab files with raw count data for GLMs at 10x and 5x coverage:
for f in *merged_CpG_evidence.cov
STEM=$(basename "${f}" .CpG_report.merged_CpG_evidence.cov)
cat "${f}" | awk -F $'\t' 'BEGIN {OFS = FS} {if ($5+$6 >= 5) {print $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6}}' \
> "${STEM}"
It is sometimes useful to sort BAM files for downstream analysis (eg methylkit, IGV)
# Sort files for methylkit and IGV
find *.bam | \
xargs basename -s .bam | \
xargs -I{} ${samtools} \
sort --threads 28 {}.bam \
-o {}.sorted.bam
# Index sorted files for IGV
find *.sorted.bam | \
xargs basename -s .sorted.bam | \
xargs -I{} ${samtools} \
index -@ 28 {}.sorted.bam
So you’ve aligned your trimmed reads to your reference genome and have methylation data for CpGs. Now what?
Removing cytosine (C) to thymine (T) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in bisulfite sequencing analysis could be something to consider for a few reasons:
Bisulfite Conversion Process: In bisulfite sequencing, unmethylated cytosines are converted to uracil, which is then read as thymine in sequencing. This conversion is key to identifying methylated cytosines. However, if a genomic DNA sequence naturally has a C to T (C->T) SNP, it can be falsely interpreted as a converted cytosine, leading to incorrect conclusions about methylation.
Reduction of False Positives: By removing C->T SNPs, one can reduce false positives in methylation analysis. Without removal, these SNPs might be misinterpreted as unmethylated cytosines that have undergone conversion, skewing the data towards an apparent increase in methylation.
Accurate Methylation Mapping: For precise mapping of methylation patterns, it’s crucial to distinguish between true methylation signals and genetic variation (SNPs). Removing C->T SNPs allows for a more accurate representation of the methylation status of the genome.
Analysis Consistency: In comparative studies, where multiple samples or conditions are analyzed, removing C->T SNPs ensures consistency across samples. This is especially important in cases where SNP profiles may vary between samples, which could otherwise lead to inconsistent methylation data.
By eliminating these potential sources of error, researchers can have more confidence in their interpretation of the bisulfite sequencing data, leading to more reliable and valid conclusions about DNA methylation patterns.
One way to do this is using BS-Snper (Gao et al. (2015)). This program finds SNPs in Bisulfite treated alignment files. The bash code below represents steps to identify SNPS and create a list of all C->T SNPS.
samtools merge \
Pg_merged.bam \
perl /gscratch/srlab/programs/BS-Snper-master/ \
Pg_merged.bam \
--fa Panopea-generosa-v1.0.fa \
--output snp.candidate.out \
--methcg \
--methchg meth.chg \
--methchh meth.chh \
--minhetfreq 0.1 \
--minhomfreq 0.85 \
--minquali 15 \
--mincover 10 \
--maxcover 1000 \
--minread2 2 \
--errorate 0.02 \
--mapvalue 20 \
>SNP.vcf 2>SNP.log
grep $'C\tG' output/SNP.vcf > output/CT-SNP.vcf
wc -l output/CT-SNP.vcf
Let’s break down the command and its arguments:
perl /gscratch/srlab/programs/BS-Snper-master/
This part of the command calls the Perl interpreter to execute the
script. The script is located
in the
: This is the input
file for the script, likely a BAM file (Binary Alignment/Map format)
which contains alignment information of bisulfite-treated sequencing
--fa Panopea-generosa-v1.0.fa
: This
option specifies the reference genome file in FASTA format against which
the BAM file will be compared.
--output snp.candidate.out
: This
argument sets the name of the output file where the SNP candidates will
be written.
--methchg meth.chg
--methchh meth.chh
: These options specify the
output files for methylation analysis for CG, CHG, and CHH contexts,
respectively (where H can be A, C, or T).
--minhetfreq 0.1
: Sets the minimum
frequency for heterozygous bases to be considered in SNP calling (here,
--minhomfreq 0.85
: Sets the minimum
frequency for homozygous bases to be considered in SNP calling (here,
--minquali 15
: Sets the minimum
base quality score.
--mincover 10
--maxcover 1000
: These set the minimum and maximum
coverage (number of reads) for a position to be considered in the
--minread2 2
: The minimum number of
reads required to support a SNP candidate. It could be useful to use the
same values for the minimum read threshold for SNP identification and
for minimum coverage in the methylation data.
--errorate 0.02
: Sets the error
rate of sequencing (here, 2%).
--mapvalue 20
: Specifies the
mapping quality value, a threshold for considering reads in the
: Redirects the standard
output to a file named SNP.vcf
. This file
will contain the SNP calls in VCF (Variant Call Format) format.
: Redirects the
standard error output to a file named
. This file will contain error
messages and possibly additional log information.
The resulting could be used to mask the genome and the entire process
described above could be repeated (ie Genome Preparation, Alignment,
Quantification). An alternative and common practice is to remove
cytosines from downstream analysis by removing loci in intermediate
files (ie tab-delimited data files). Below is an example using
to remove loci that correspond to CT SNPs from 5x
coverage methyation quantification files.
# Read in CT SNP file
ct <- read.csv("../output/CT-SNP.vcf", header = FALSE, sep = "\t") %>%
mutate(loci = paste0(V1, "_", V2))
# 1. List all files with suffix
files <- list.files(path = "../data/", pattern = "$", full.names = TRUE)
# 2. Iterate over each file
for(file in files) {
# Extract base filename without the directory for naming purposes
base_name <- basename(file)
# Read the file
data <- read.csv(file, header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
# Modify the data
modified_data <- data %>%
mutate(loci = paste0(V1, "_", V2)) %>%
anti_join(ct, by = "loci") %>%
# Write the modified data to an output file
output_file <- paste0("../output/f", base_name)
write.table(modified_data, file = output_file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
Let’s break down what each part of the script does:
Reading in a CT SNP file:
ct <- read.csv("../output/CT-SNP.vcf", header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
This line reads a file named CT-SNP.vcf
from the specified directory. The file is expected to be in a
tab-separated format (sep = "\t"
), and it
doesn’t have a header row
(header = FALSE
mutate(loci = paste0(V1, "_", V2))
The mutate
function from the
package is used to add a new column
) to the
data frame. This column is created by
concatenating the values in the first (V1
and second columns (V2
) of each row,
separated by an underscore.
Listing files with a specific suffix:
files <- list.files(path = "../data/", pattern = "$", full.names = TRUE)
This line generates a list of file paths in the
directory. It only includes files
that end with
(as indicated by the
argument).Processing each file:
The for(file in files)
iterates over each file found in the previous step.
base_name <- basename(file)
Extracts the file name without the directory path.
data <- read.csv(file, header = FALSE, sep = "\t")
Reads the current file in the loop. Similar to the first
call, it expects a tab-separated
file with no header row.
The mutate
functions are used to modify
mutate(loci = paste0(V1, "_", V2))
Adds a loci
column similar to the
data frame.
anti_join(ct, by = "loci")
: Removes
rows from data
that have matching
values in the
data frame.
: Removes the
column from the data.
The modified data is then written to an output file:
output_file <- paste0("../output/f", base_name)
Constructs the output file path.
write.table(modified_data, file = output_file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
Writes the modified_data
to the specified
file. The output is tab-separated, and it doesn’t include row names,
quotes, or column names.
Integrating with population genetic data. example: Silliman et al. (2023)
Gene-level methylation analysis: example Putnam et al. (2022). It is worth considering the utility of converting loci-level resolution data to gene-level resolution data.
Differential loci methylation and/or region analyses. example: Venkataraman, White, and Roberts (2022). methylKit is a popular package to conduct this analysis differential methylation anlaysis
Feature overlap. example: Venkataraman et al. (2020) Bedtools is excellent for quantitative assessment of feature overlap and IGV is good for visual assessment.